Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Dragon Spirit Wallpapers Pack
Dragon Spirit Wallpapers Pack
Salah satu Koleksi wallpaper gw FULL, silahkan di sedot :)
Download : RapidShare
Jangan lupa komennya om :$
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Trick download 4* to premium speed
Kegiatan download adalah hal yang lumayan sering gw lakuin kaya download lagu filem dll..
Tapi paling males kalo downloadnya itu loh di bawah 5-10kb :x busettt..... lama buangett....
Nah pada suatu hari gw download ke 4* tau gak sih downloadnya lama bener kalo gak pake account premium :@
Tapi gw punya trick buat download jadi premium (kecepatannya) :$
Di tutorial ini gw download pake bantuan Internet download manager!
Ok here it is!
Pertama-tama download aja kaya biasanya...
Klik link donloadnya, Klik unduh sekarang, terus tunggu yg 20 detik. Setelah itu klik kanan download nownya, kemudian copy link location.
Nah abis itu kan lu dapet tuh direct link buat downloadnya...
Setelah di copy coba pastekan...
Contoh direct link gw :
Untuk tricknya gampang banget tinggal ubah alamat url di belakangnya yang tulisan
Dengan kode berikut :
Setelah di ubah jadi kayak gini
Terus pastein deh ke IDM atau browser kamu...
Gampang banget kan??
Untuk Buktinya nyusul koneksi lagi lelet ntar di sangka Hoax aja :(
Malu bertanya sesat di jalan, kalo gak ngerti tanya aja ok!?
Tapi paling males kalo downloadnya itu loh di bawah 5-10kb :x busettt..... lama buangett....
Nah pada suatu hari gw download ke 4* tau gak sih downloadnya lama bener kalo gak pake account premium :@
Tapi gw punya trick buat download jadi premium (kecepatannya) :$
Di tutorial ini gw download pake bantuan Internet download manager!
Ok here it is!
Pertama-tama download aja kaya biasanya...
Klik link donloadnya, Klik unduh sekarang, terus tunggu yg 20 detik. Setelah itu klik kanan download nownya, kemudian copy link location.
Nah abis itu kan lu dapet tuh direct link buat downloadnya...
Setelah di copy coba pastekan...
Contoh direct link gw :
Untuk tricknya gampang banget tinggal ubah alamat url di belakangnya yang tulisan
Dengan kode berikut :
Setelah di ubah jadi kayak gini
Terus pastein deh ke IDM atau browser kamu...
Gampang banget kan??
Untuk Buktinya nyusul koneksi lagi lelet ntar di sangka Hoax aja :(
Malu bertanya sesat di jalan, kalo gak ngerti tanya aja ok!?
Zynga poker Hack Bot Z-Bot Alpha v8.8
Zynga poker sudah merajalele di dunia per pesbukan.... :D
karna minat banyak orang untuk bermain poker dengan bot, maka gw share salah satu bot untuk zynga poker.
Namanya Z-Bot Alpha v8.8 dengan bot ini maka kalian bisa bermain secara otomatis di zynga poker nanti, alias jadi robot.
So buat yang males main karena alasan capek atau gak sempet tapi pengen dapet chip lebih bisa pake software ini, tapi perlu di ingat-ingat pake software ini juga belum tentu menang! yah.. kaya main bisa lah faktor dasarnya itu luck.... :D
Ok buat yang mau coba ini Link downloadnya...
Tutorial penggunaan Step by step!
Itu langkah langkah sederhananya...
itu aja dlu kalo kalo lu udah bisa jalanin 6 langkah tersebut
secara gak sadar lu dah ngerti cara make ini bot.
Kalo pas lu ngerecord ada yg dateng (ganggu)
Matiin bot lu
Buka folder bot lu
Buka folder data
Buka folder seat
Hapus semua isi folder na (inget! gw nyuruh lu apus isi folder seat, bukan apus folder seat)
Kalo udah di hapus cari meja kosong lagi
Jalanin bot lagi nanti bot bakal ngerecord dr awal lagi.
(tutorial di atas itu dari anak kaskus :) )
Hari ini JUNI 06 2010 GW PAKE DAN 100% WORK!!
Terima kasih yah buat yang udah mampir :)
karna minat banyak orang untuk bermain poker dengan bot, maka gw share salah satu bot untuk zynga poker.
Namanya Z-Bot Alpha v8.8 dengan bot ini maka kalian bisa bermain secara otomatis di zynga poker nanti, alias jadi robot.
So buat yang males main karena alasan capek atau gak sempet tapi pengen dapet chip lebih bisa pake software ini, tapi perlu di ingat-ingat pake software ini juga belum tentu menang! yah.. kaya main bisa lah faktor dasarnya itu luck.... :D
Ok buat yang mau coba ini Link downloadnya...
Download : IDWS
Password : milkybluefile
Tutorial penggunaan Step by step!
- 1. Download terlebih dahulu botnya...
- 2. Ekstrak file downloadannya...
- 3. Buka setting.ini (Cari minumium blind sama maximal blindnya dan ingetin, paling bawah ada setingan browser, kamu samain sama browseran yang kamu pake buat main zynga poker)
- 4. buka browser , buka pesbuk, buka poker, cari meja kosong (stakenya brapa aja terserah, asal meja isinya 9 kursi & gak dan yg lagi duduk)
- 5. Jalanin bot (dobel klik bot.exe)
- 6. Masukin blind untuk meja yg lagi kamu masukin (masih inget kan lu td gw suruh ingetin ape? minimum sama max blind yg ada d setting.ini, lu isi blind jangan kurang dari minimun jangan lbih dr maksimum. gak mungkin popup buat blind gak kluar, bot lu gak bakal ngerecord klo lu gak masukin blind)
Itu langkah langkah sederhananya...
itu aja dlu kalo kalo lu udah bisa jalanin 6 langkah tersebut
secara gak sadar lu dah ngerti cara make ini bot.
Kalo pas lu ngerecord ada yg dateng (ganggu)
Matiin bot lu
Buka folder bot lu
Buka folder data
Buka folder seat
Hapus semua isi folder na (inget! gw nyuruh lu apus isi folder seat, bukan apus folder seat)
Kalo udah di hapus cari meja kosong lagi
Jalanin bot lagi nanti bot bakal ngerecord dr awal lagi.
(tutorial di atas itu dari anak kaskus :) )
Tutorial lengkapnya bisa di liat di bawah tapi bahasa inggris malas translate :P
Before Clicking the .exe...
Once the bot is extracted to a location of your choice, open [bot name]/settings.ini. Modify settings.ini to your preferences. Here, I will discuss settings which are relative to you:
‘; the minimum players at the table including yourself before the bot will leave
This is the minimum number of players at the table (including yourself) that need to be present for the bot to stay at the table. If the number of players at the table you are at fall beneath the number you have specified, the bot will leave and go to another table. Normally, members set the number of minimum player at 5.
'; the minimum big blind room your bot will stay in
This is the smallest table that the bot will play on. Normally, anything above 4 is okay. Recently, Zynga have started sending higher players to 50 blind tables, so if you want to play on tables above 25/50 only, set this number to 200.
'; the maximum big blind room your bot will stay in
This is the highest table that the bot will play on. If you are weary of the bot reaching a table of which you consider the blinds too high, specify the maximum blind that you will allow the bot to enter. For example, if you set the maximum blind to 10000, the bot will only play tables where the blind is equal to or lower than 10000.
'; the number of big blinds your bot will sit with
This is how much the bot will buy into the table with. The number you specify is multiplied by the big blind of the table that you sit at. For example, a table buyin of 20 at a 25/50 table would mean that you are buying in with 1000 chips. A table buyin of 20 at a 5k/10k table would mean that you are buying in with 200,000 chips. 20 is the number of big blinds that is generally used by most members.
'; should the bot log text
This should always be set to 1, to use when you need assistance on this site.
'; should the bot ask for a blind if it is not known
This is if the bot should ask for an unknown blind. Set it to 1 when you are monitoring the bot, 0 when you are not (if you're asleep/at work). It is a smart move to record most of the blinds you think the bot will encounter before you leave it unattended.
;browser_title=Mozilla Firefox
; other browsers
;browser_title=Internet Explorer
;browser_title=Google Chrome
;browser_title=Poker Bot Console
This is where you choose which browser you will be running the bot on. Simply delete the [;] that is before you're chosen browser title and file. On some bot releases, [;] will need to be added before browsers which you do not want to use.
Before Clicking the .exe
This section constantly changes, so whilst writing this I'm going to presume that we all have common sense.
all_in =AA
raise =KK QQ AK
These are the hands which the bot act with pre-flop. You can edit this yourself to reflect your style of play. 'A' means Ace, 'K' means King, 'Q' means Queen, 'J' means Jack and 'T' means 10. Other cards are represented by there numbers, for example '9' would be 9. Hands which are not specified next to all_in, raise and call, the bot will fold.
If you are using a version of the bot with a suited option, it should generally be the same as this.
0-0.59 =call
0.6-0.69 =call
0.7-0.79 =raise
0.8-0.89 =raise
0.9-1 =all_in'
These are the post-flop score actions. When the bot plays, it calculates your chance of winning, given the flop. It changes once the turn is shown, and again following the river. 'call' means that the bot will call anything with the score specified, 'raise' means that the bot will raise with the score specified, and 'all_in' means that the bot will go all in with the score specified.
;this is the number x big blind that you wish
;to call on, so change it accordingly
This is how much the bot will call pre-flop. The number you specify is multiplied by the blind, so if you're on a 10k table with a call amount of 4, the bot will call up to 40,000 chips.
;This is the number x big blind that you wish
;to raise, so change it accordingly
This is how much your bot will raise, if you have specified that it should do so. Yet again, the number is multiplied by the blind of the table you are at.
Recording Seats...
Delete everything in [bot name]/data/seat (if anything is in there)
It’s now time to open up facebook and sign into your account. Go onto the application: zynga texas hold’em poker.
Join an empty 9 seat table. Click on bot.exe and the bot will automatically record your seats.
Note: If anyone joins the table whilst the bot records seats, you will have to begin the recording process all over again.
Hari ini JUNI 06 2010 GW PAKE DAN 100% WORK!!
Terima kasih yah buat yang udah mampir :)
Gw udah lama gak update blog kangen Minta ampun!
Kangeeeeeennn minta ampun deh gw..... udah lama gak main sama blog tercinta hikss...
Buat yang setia nungguin maaf banget ya..
Gara-gara koneksi di putus jadi males update-update lagi deh.... :(
Banyak yang berubah kayaknya nih.... JavaScirpt di blog juga udah gak jalan lagi :#
Kemaren-kemaren waktu cuma di isi buat main game sama ubek-ubek forum...
Terus tiba-tiba kangen sama blog tercinta yang dulu gw bela-belain siang malem buat dia seorang :$
Padahal sekarang gw harus belajar soalnya mau Ulangan kenaikan kelas nih.... :( semoga naik kelas amieeennn bro sis doain gw ya semoga naik kelas gw :)
Gw harus bisa atur waktu nih.. buat blog dan buat masa depan gw! :D
Semoga gw dapet hal hal menarik deh biar blognya rame lagi
Udah deh segini aja postingan gak jelasnya :$
Doain gw biar bisa update hal-hal baru dan menarik ya bro sis... ;)
Buat yang setia nungguin maaf banget ya..
Gara-gara koneksi di putus jadi males update-update lagi deh.... :(
Banyak yang berubah kayaknya nih.... JavaScirpt di blog juga udah gak jalan lagi :#
Kemaren-kemaren waktu cuma di isi buat main game sama ubek-ubek forum...
Terus tiba-tiba kangen sama blog tercinta yang dulu gw bela-belain siang malem buat dia seorang :$
Padahal sekarang gw harus belajar soalnya mau Ulangan kenaikan kelas nih.... :( semoga naik kelas amieeennn bro sis doain gw ya semoga naik kelas gw :)
Gw harus bisa atur waktu nih.. buat blog dan buat masa depan gw! :D
Semoga gw dapet hal hal menarik deh biar blognya rame lagi
Udah deh segini aja postingan gak jelasnya :$
Doain gw biar bisa update hal-hal baru dan menarik ya bro sis... ;)
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